Monday, March 3, 2008

I have been up for a while since I decided I was above sleeping.  I am not sure everyone understands the problem with "feeling more important than..." but it can get you into all sorts of trouble.  Last night for instance, I felt more important than sleeping to rest my body and now I am a zombie.  Last week, I felt more important being center of attention than telling my brother's friend he could keep trying to make plans with me on the daily, but I will never show up, even if I promise to.  Tomorrow I will feel more important than something I cannot even name, but I bet it will cause me lie in bed and get nothing done.  Too bad I cannot feel more important than all of my super productive friends and then I can be all I ever dreamed.  On that note, I cannot remember if I ever dreamed of becoming anything at all.  In all honesty from as earliest memory I only wanted to be reading and after a while it dawned on me that I could probably write things that were more interesting.  Still, I cannot claim that to be a dream, but mostly just a matter of fact cause here we are.


erin said...

what super productive friends?

Butchie said...

That is one handsome dog.