Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I guess I owe a blog post.  Too bad I have been incredibly busy revisiting my alcoholism to sit around typing shit here.  Amazingly enough, I think my sister made a brilliant point.  I just fucking hate the winter and the cold days so I never go out.  The second that the days start getting longer and the sun is shining like mad I am drunk all the time.  I guess I would be sober all the time if I lived in Antarctica.  Anyways, Melissa tagged me in this stupid meme or whatever the fuck it is called and basically I have to answer six secrets about me or something.  At least that's what I think I am supposed to do.  Too bad I didn't really pay attention and am going to do it my own way.

  1. I do not plan to live past 30.  I didn't plan to live past 25.  I bet I am going to live forever cause I am not planning for the future since I decided I don't even want one.

  2. I have an undying love for Christmas music and listen to it mostly when I am in the car or getting ready to go out.  Nothing says PUMPED UP like a little Alvin and the Chipmunks.

  3. I got hit by a car three weeks ago when I was crossing the street and the dude nearly took my arm off, but I kicked the side of his fucking Lexus so hard at the same time that he had a huge dent and he was apologizing to me.  

  4. I have an eating disorder.  I am a compulsive over-eater.  When I get stressed out I just sit and eat and if I wasn't so entirely lazy I would puke it up.  Later on I starve myself to manage this.  This is not a cry for help.  People that really need help are not honest about shit like this.  You wanted honest.  This is it.

  5. I never do blow in LA.  Pretty much ever.  Not cause I do not like it, but because it is sort of cliche to be that girl from Los Angeles that doesn't have a real job that parties 24-7 and is geeked out of her mind all the fucking time.  If I'm in your city, it's an entirely different issue and I am probably going to be fucked up the entire time because I am on social hiatus.

  6. I have a sister that I am pretty sure needs to be committed to a 72-hour lockup, but my parents are too proud to have her wrapped up in the looney bin.  I probably needed it at her age too, but everyone ignored me because my grades were pretty decent and I locked myself in my bedroom.  Oh, teen angst, how I do not miss you.

I guess I will tag Erin and Mandy.


Melissa said...

I hate talking about food issues with people, it's always so weird. I feel like I'm being overly dramatic.

Stolenswan said...

I think every person on earth has issues with food. And if they say they don't they're liars. Luckily you're also a compulsive runner and that's why you have a hot body.