Saturday, January 5, 2008

I was going to talk about how I am supposed to drive up to San Francisco on Monday, but now it is going to rain until well into Monday and everyone that knows me knows Homie don't play that game.

God, I am a grownup and I really just typed that. I might be overusing stupid italics, but I guess I hardly give a shit so it doesn't matter.  Does anyone here remember when blogging and bloggers were not fucking tragic and boring, but insightful and entertaining.  Jesus, I haven't found a decent new blog and I probably never will since everyone sucks.

I do not drive in the rain because I am lame and neurotic and mostly because I choose life. Anyways, it is raining like the great flood here in Los Angeles, so I am sure that the news will be flashing end of the world warnings all over the place to indicate that SHIT IS WET.

I remember, earlier when I decided not to write about San Francisco I was going to write about something else that I cannot even remember anymore.  I guess I should write about my total loss of memory, but that is without saying, ya know?  Oh it doesn't matter cause I get to brag about how that physics professor is telling people that I am ruining his life because now he wants to leave his stupid girlfriend that looks just like me only she has absolutely no interest in quantum mechanics like I do.  I guess I will busy myself with fucking up his world since I am fucking boring.

Holy shit, I remember what I was going to write about now--THE PERFECT RUNNING PLAYLIST.  Don't get me wrong, but good music, the sort of stuff I like to listen to while writing is not what gets me pumped up for a 15 mile run or anything.  Campy shit like Barry Mannilow's Copa Cabana is actually right up my alley, but really by mile 8, you don't actually care what you're listening to as long as it is loud and fast.  I've been giving a lot of thought to the perfect song to start a run to and I've narrowed it down to Cherub Rock by Smashing Pumpkins.  I guess all I have to do is figure out the correct order for the next 5 to 6 hours worth of songs and I'll be set for the L.A. Marathon in March, right?


r/r said...

when you're good and high from running after awhile you need to find country music like jerry jeff walker because A.) you will be high from running and you'll have the patience to listen to sweet country music from amarillo and abilene and B.) it's slower enough that your legs can keep time with the drums and it's novel enough to keep you moving alone so put that near the end when you're slowing down.

additionally cherub rock might just make you turbopumped to start out with and you could waste all your energy doing air guitar while you run just sayin.

theponyproblem said...

i liked it when you wrote "homie don't play that game" in italics.

theponyproblem said...
also i really like that blog, maybe it is not your style or i am creeping you out because , i mean i am creeping myself out, but not really, but should be reading the newspaper instead.

Sabrina See said...

dude, i was not aware that she had a blog. i read her book once when i was at someone's house and fucking wasted out of my mind and i cannot tell you more about that experience other than i remember trying to look for the way i was sleeping with the guy i was dating at the time, and i couldn't so i decided i fucking hated that guy and then i broke up with him.

theponyproblem said...

i'm sure it isn't true that the book's lack of the sleeping pose would have been the deciding factor in you breaking up with him. also i just read the part of your post that implied you are dating a physics professor. quantum mechanics?!! that is like being interested in cloning, no offense. um, anyway, the evany blog, which i am reading the stitching out of, i mean the stuffing out of, is getting kind of boring. i can't wait until the part where she meets marco, the man of her dreams. i guess i don't recommend reading it. uh, some people i sort of am/used to be/am best friends with have a blog called "" and er "" and er anyway. hello, i am jeffrey's blog stalker. that is my FAVORITE blog, and the part about the retarded boy summoning all the powers of hell.

Sabrina See said...

no, way, i would never date that guy. i just like that i am making him miserable and we can talk about quantum mechanics, string theory..time travel and all that jazz. i am going to assume that you are speaking about jeffrey max and i am still not sure how he found me other than through my rantings with Erin. Tomorrow when I am not wasted out of my mind I will fucking check out your links.