Friday, January 4, 2008

You know what I hate are people that are not filled with trickery.  I bet you think that I'd want people to be simplistic and straight forward, but I actually enjoy people that are a lot of work.  Actually, I love everything that is more work than it is, which is why I fucking hate most everything around me, which is why everyday Britney Spears continues to be my hero.  HERO.  God, the people that are like MY MOTHER IS MY HERO BECAUSE SHE NEVER GAVE UP, those people are fucking idiots.  Britney Spears also never gives up cause that bitch was high as hell, fighting with the cops tonight about her giving her creepy children back to K-Fed for absolutely no reason.  

God, check this out, I am not even all that great since I basically take a grip of sleeping pills if I want to get to sleep and now I am battling sleep I cannot control in a race against time so that I can finish two reviews and a fucking stupid blog.  Oh man, I was just reminded of something I fucking hate.  Christ, I hate it when anyone touches any part of me with their feet or if they touch my feet.  FUCK OFF WITH YOUR FEET.  This does not apply to pedicures or massages.  In any other case do not fucking touch my feet or I will rip your head off with my teeth, I am not even kidding.

So I have finished my daily reviews and now my brain is shutting off since I took all my stupid sleeping pills and the inside of my head is as vacant as the end of the fucking world.  Oh man, i super need to piss right now but I wonder if I can just fall asleep while sitting here and pee later when I wake up.  God, if I try to do that I will pee and then wake up in a puddle of my own piss.  This is getting old kids, and it is awesome.

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