Saturday, September 29, 2007

For the past 24-hours I've been chomping down on pills like they're the free trail mix at my local, seedy bar. Congratulations Sabrina, this is the first step. Step. Step, one, two.

Inside my head I am like MAYBE I AM GOING TO LOCK MYSELF IN THE BATHROOM AND NEVER COME OUT UNLESS THE SUN TURNS TO MILK. And then I realize I am inside my head and I am locked in there and even when I purge and the inside splats all over the outside I am still there. Too bad I cannot get trapped inside someone else's messy mind.

I am like that crazy hell cube from Hellraiser. There are an infinite amount of ways to work me--twisty, turny, bendy ways. Depending on who is playing with me there is the possibility that they'll have their hands ripped off or maybe they'll unlock the pathway to hell. God, the inside of my head is not even hell, but between you and me personally I like to think I am so fucking interesting that heaven (if you believe in that sort of thing) is entirely too boring to house my thoughts or my person and that hell is my best option cause everyone knows that's where all the cool kids go to hangout and smoke while waiting for the lunch bell to ring.


Wendy said...

pills and me = BFF. And it is because of actual physical pain which I know you know about. It begins with, I have to make this pain stop and ends with, I have to make this pain stop.

Anonymous said...

"Depending on who is playing with me there is the possibility that they'll have their hands ripped off or maybe they'll unlock the pathway to hell."

I love this line. You should put it in your bio.