Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dear god, i have not been so classically drunk since forever. I love you all and my fingers love you all. fuck this my face has so much to say in the way of lonesome dove acceptance too bad my brain has lost the cognitive capacity to express itself.

the end.

Uh, now it is morning and I passed out after I wrote that paragraph. "lonesome dove acceptance" what the fuck was I talking about? Also, I like how it takes me an entire bottle of vodka to love EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.

Oh well. Also, somehow I ended up at Tara Reid's house last night. Too bad my sister decided I was beyond drunk and even though I was trying to steal shit she would carry my face out of there with such grace and poise that I am not even sure how we are related. Amazing.

Oh, and I do not love you all. Not in the least.


J-Po said...

Every once in awhile, I read your blog. It's like watching a FAS partial-birth abortion getting hit by a train in slow motion. I almost feel like I should worry about you, except you'd castrate me for it.

Hope your neck's feeling okay.

S. said...

i don't even know who you are.

Canopenner said...

You said you were crazier than ever?

But this seems like the normal amount.

Good to have you back!

JaG said...

Not even me??

Good to have you back!

Anonymous said...

Is that tara reid? Wow, she has gone fuggy.

Gay as it is, I heart lonesome dove.

Jeffrey Max said...

Man, who hasn't wound up drunk at Tara Reid's house with the intent to steal?