Thursday, February 7, 2008

I was just looking at those pictures from last weekend with my sister. I am seriously the most pale person on fucking earth, which somehow lead me to some new train of thought. Ever notice how girls are always like OH MY FRIENDS ARE SUPER THE BEST LOOKING PEOPLE ON EARTH, WHEN IN REALITY THEIR FRIEND LOOKS LIKE THE ILLEGITIMATE CHILD OF JAY LENO AND JACKIE CHAN? Women are so fucking diluted they don't even know it most of the time. I love it when women set people up on blind dates cause they are like OH, EVERYONE IS SO HOT. HE IS SO HOT AND SHE IS SO HOT, which really means everyone looks like a foot and that chick is kidding herself into thinking she can objectify her ugly friends. If you are a woman and reading this, please think about all your ugly friends and how, whatever. I started this to make a point and I guess I made it. Oh, and saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder is bullshit. As a society we have a general measure of what attractive is. So maybe you only like blondes, fine, but that does not mean your super hot brunette friend is ugly, but the fact that she looks like Shrek absolutely does. Anyways, I bet anything most of your friends are ugly or fat, but you do not have the heart to be honest with them or really anyone else you know because admitting that you are ok with surrounding yourself with fat ugly people is a really big step. Just do it. Please admit what everyone else already knows and get it over with. Amen.

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