Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I was going to waste time writing about Valentines Day and orgasms, but then I decided I should save that for tomorrow and most of you idiots won't even read it until Friday, so really, I just bought myself some time to synthesize and formulate an article that probably won't even be appreciated. I hate you all. Here is a terrible transition, the other day, I decided I should probably lie down because I hadn't slept in a couple of days and was in the middle of what was probably an incredible manic episode where I was convinced I could paint with all the colors of the wind or something. Uh, I guess at this point you are wondering what a picture of a plane crashed all over the beach is doing attached to this post. In all honesty, it's the best photo I could find and I am pretty sure now that I have searched for "plane crash" photos on google, the good old government will probably start watching me. If this is the case I hope they send a particularly hot Federal Agent to give me hell and hopefully he will become physically violent.

Anyways, so I am in a complete state of exhaustion and I decide to lie down and try to rest. Eventually, like it happens, I go to sleep and I am guessing less than 15 minutes goes by and I have this exact dream (fuck, this is a stupid post): I am in a plane and in the seat in front of me is my kid sister Sam and my mother gets up to go to the bathroom. While she's in the bathroom suddenly cabin pressure drops. In my dream the stupid masks don't even fall, but suddenly the buckle your seat belts sign goes on and the captain is saying that we're preparing for an emergency landing. I stand up and realize this means we're crashing into the beach and I am sort of fucked. Then I put my hand on Sam's chest and we crash. At this point I also realize my mom is probably dead in the bathroom and that I am probably dead. Once I realize that death is the running theme or something I wake up and am like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO SLEEP AFTER THIS. Anyways, that is what happens to me during a manic rage when I try to sleep and probably why most of you guys notice I am always online. Also, I will go out of my way to stop sleeping after dreaming something like that. When I broke my neck, I would have these fucked up Post Traumatic Stress related dreams and I stopped sleeping altogether. Now that I have verified I am a femme bot and not a human I guess I will go back to orgasms and Valentines Day.

1 comment:

E.N. Collins said...

Bada bing bada boom!...Please Dont Hotlink...haha