Friday, December 14, 2007

Good lord, I am a vision of loveliness.  I like how I can take a post about my little sister's birthday and continue to pimp myself.  In addition to  it being my sister's birthday it was also Erin's birthday.  She is turning 14-years-old or something.  Congratulations Erin, you are older than Britney Spears and not nearly as tragic.  Maybe you should buy yourself a Maserati and then run red lights left and right while sporting someone's infants in the backseat like the accessories they were meant to be.

I guess I will get things done tomorrow because I have basically decided being depressed to see if that can grow my artistic capabilities by severe magnitudes is not really helping the rest of my life.  Take today for example, I refused to get out of bed until I realized what I was smelling was myself and since I refused to shower for longer than I care to mention, that became my first priority and my second one was cleaning my bedroom, which had turned into trash heap central.  I am sure the Trash Heap character from Fraggle Rock wanted her territory back anyways.  What I need to do next is force myself into a schedule or structured day because sleeping for 35 hours and then staying awake for another 74-hours is fucking impossible.


Canopenner said...

Thank you for for keeping your solemn vow to blog daily.

Birthday wishes where appropriate.

Canopenner said...

New day sabrina!

E Flo said...

That cake looks amazing.