Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am going to tell a humorous story that revolves around this attached picture. I have a friend that pees in sinks whenever I am with her. The picture to the right is the picture of a sink. Once, I ended up at an after party at a house reminiscent of the house on paper street in fight club. I was sort of fucking impressed that they had running water, but their fridge had been modified into a keg-o-rator. This is what happens when you allow thickheaded men to live together. Anyways, I was walking down the street when this dude walks by and says "Hey, I know you! You're so-&-so's friend. You should come to the after party it is on Abbot Kinney & Main!" Because it was after 2am and I live in Los Angeles this invite was as good as any so my friends and I trotted down to said spot and found the party. Everything about this place was filthy and falling apart. I am pretty sure I contracted meningitis from merely walking in the door, but the drinks were free and flowing & the men were relatively good looking. And how I love men. Continuing on, I found myself in the bathroom with Gia and Katie when I came up with the idea to piss in the sink while Gia pissed in the bathtub and Katie in the toilet. We are like proponents of outhouses or something. Regardless, I lean up against the sink to take off my pants and I lose my balance and crash into it. That mere movement jars the molding around the sink loose and it falls off. Somehow no one heard the lightening crash & old mother die--so the three of us begin to scramble to figure out what to do--the end result was shoving the molding around the sink under the sink like fucking retard and slamming the door shut. In the picture, you can see a bottle of scope and the wooden piece of sink jammed on top of everything. You can also see where the sink used to reside. The moral of this story is--do not fuck with shit in the house on paper street unless you are a God and want to be able to send out photos to the world of your destruction handy work. Amen.

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