Thursday, November 1, 2007

These are my real thoughts. Somehow I got a free trip to Chicago and I am taking advantage of that because I am not a fucking moron. SO I go to Chicago tomorrow in the morning and continue the chaotic bliss that is Sabrina anywhere near Erin--does this already sound like a love story or what? You guys are all idiots. After that I wanted to go to fucking Boston--take the train to Boston and fuck off over there, but it turns out the entire city of Boston is completely fucking booked and I cannot find a fucking hotel from the 6th to the 9th and that is fucking retarded as hell and I would like to kill all sorts of people because that is stupid as hell. So then I was like I guess I can fucking stop in stupid fucking Pittsburgh or maybe I can go down to New Orleans or something. Now I am sitting around trying to fill in a fucking time void and it is making me crazy. Fuck it, I am going to wing this entire next couple of weeks and who knows where I am going to end up. Amazing. I guess I am going to blog minus anger later, retards.


Ian said...

flights from Chicago to Cancun are like $200.

I'm going on the 14th... though not exactly planning on coming back anytime soon.

but... yeah, there are options.

New Orleans is awesome, but everybody is as crazy as you are so you wouldn't get as much attention as you'd demand, might be a downer for ya, on the plus side... you can walk around looking like a pirate without pants any day of the week and nobody thinks twice, there's a benefit in that, I'm sure, just can't put my finger on it.

Anonymous said...

Dead, dead eyes. Hawt.

I will be in chicago next weekend. Weird coincidence.

Canopenner said...

I would like a complete set of marx brothers dolls please.

Where did you find harpo?

Raymi Lauren said...

haha sabrina ban canopenner from commenting he's a fucking retard and stalks my blog along with crazy carrie.

Canopenner said...

woah! Raymi? That time of month?

Im sorry you feel that way.

But Im still commenting so I guess no harm no foul. I hope you have a good day anyway and maybe somehow something will light your heart so that you aarent so mean.

Thanks for not banning me Sabrina.